
Kraftvolles Selbstmitgefühl

Portrait Wiebke Pausch Wiebke Pausch
Kurstyp: Kraftvolles Selbstmitgefühl
Lehrende/r: Wiebke Pausch
Profil und Anmeldeinfos →
sowie Anja Benesch
Termine: Mo, 25.11. - Mo, 27.01.2025
18:30 bis 21:00 Uhr
Abweichende Termine: No Course: Dec 23./30.24
Veranstaltungsort: ONLINE
Beschreibung: Fierce Self-Compassion FSC: 8-Week Program LIVE ONLINE November 25, 2024 - January 27, 2025 Mondays 18:30 - 21:00 CET Time Zone ​ The Mindful Self-Compassion Program focused on the tender, nurturing aspect of self-compassion, which involves “being with” ourselves in a compassionate way. But self-compassion can be fierce as well as tender. ​ For MSC teachers this course is an enriching experience as it enables them to effectively integrate the transformative aspect of fierce compassion. The course is a prerequisite for the FSC Teacher Training Practicum. ​ This course is open to anyone who has completed the 8-week or 10-week Mindful Self-Compassion Course, the 5-Day Intensive MSC Course. Fierce Self-Compassion involves: Taking action in the world to protect, provide, and motivate ourselves to alleviate suffering and thrive Being able to say “no” to others who are hurting us – Beginning to draw our boundaries firmly Saying “no” to our own harmful behaviors, so that we can be safe and healthy Giving ourselves what we genuinely need – mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually It is a unique opportunity for both self-compassion practitioners and mindful self-compassion teachers. ​ Registration: To register for the course please send me an email ​

Weitere Informationen zur Anmeldung finden Sie auf den Lehrenden-Profilen.

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